Title here
Summary here
You can customize Thulite SEO by updating settings, parameters, and page frontmatter.
Update settings in ./config/_default/hugo.toml
title = "Thulite"
enableRobotsTXT = true
Update parameters in ./config/_default/params.toml
# Hugo
title = "Thulite"
description = "Congrats on setting up a new Doks project!"
images = ["cover.png"]
twitter = "getdoks"
facebook_admin = ""
# SEO (@thulite/seo)
separator = "" # "|" (default)
suffix = "" # title hugo.toml (default)
icon = "favicon.png" # favicon.png (default)
svgIcon = "favicon.svg" # favicon.svg (default)
type = "Organization" # Organization (default) or Person
logo = "favicon-512x512.png" # Logo of Organization — favicon-512x512.png (default)
name = "Thulite" # Name of Organization or Person
sameAs = [] # E.g. ["https://github.com/thuliteio/thulite", "https://fosstodon.org/@thulite"]
images = ["cover.png"] # ["cover.png"] (default)
article = [] # Article sections
newsArticle = [] # NewsArticle sections
blogPosting = ["blog"] # BlogPosting sections
product = [] # Product sections
Update page frontmatter:
title: "" # custom title (optional)
description: "" # custom description (recommended)
canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)
robots: "" # custom robot tags (optional)
currency: USD
price: 500
availability: https://schema.org/OnlineOnly